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Complex Routing Plans

Complex Routing Plans

Complex Routing Plans

As inbound call routing experts we are building complex call plans for our clients virtually every working day.

We can advise on & discuss with you applying a combination of inbound call features & the commercials (if any) that may need to be covered first.

We will run through all that we need to create the very best call plan/s possible to compliment every department & their interaction with your customers.

Our dedicated operations team can train your team how to build call plans yourself online via the secure portal or we can go ahead and build them for you (often free of charge). We currently manage some very complex plans for some of our larger clients.

We can replicate (that is copy/re-build) any built plan & apply certain changes to it & then re-save it so that then those versions of the call plan can then be ready (to anticipate different possible situations), e.g a plan for when the accounts department are all out on their weekly training day.

Other call plans can be built ready for DR. Disaster recovery situations often require quick responses & it is perfect to be able to apply a pre-built DR call plan, which can be done online yourselves or you can call us & we can apply it for you. You may wish to have DR plan1, DR plan2 etc to cover different possible disaster scenarios.

We find that carriers & re-sellers often do not properly support their clients whom when we contact them often then do not have any pre-built DR plans ready to be applied.

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If you would like to talk to one of our team to get any point clarifying please do not hesitate to contact us.
Call us now on 0800 692 7000 or email new@08uk.co.uk so we can call you back.