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Automated Disaster Recovery

Automated Disaster Recovery

Automated Disaster Recovery

Automatic Disaster Recovery Routing is a function that allows the inbound call platform to place the call to alternative destination/s number/s, this works effectively on isdn2 or isdn30, (including DDIs), PSTN or standard single or multi-line/s.

This clever pre-line test (perfect for anticipating & automatically reacting to a line fault/disaster) is not 100% going to detect every fault unfortunately so therefore a separate disaster recovery plan is still required, which can be applied manually once the fault is identified. Some types of line faults that cannot be detected by this line test feature.

This is a very useful feature if used correctly that actually detect certain line faults (before placing the call to that destination line/number) & therefore this pre-test line response by the platform can then have rules set applied to instruct the routing of calls to the virtual number, so that the call can be better placed somewhere else in the event of receiving this response. This is then an automatic response built in to the inbound call plan. In a similar way you can set the complex plans to route calls elsewhere on the event the first destination is engaged or unanswered. This is either after a number of rings or after a timed period.

This useful pre-line fault test feature can be used in conjunction with:

Day/Date Call Routing
Time of Day Call Routing
Welcome IVR Messages
Engaged Calls Routing
Unanswered Call Routing
Dead Tone Call Routing

Inbound Call Queuing

Black/White Call Routing

Postcode Area / Territory Routing

Area/Town/County Call Routing

Percentage Call Routing

Inbound Call Recording

Advanced Daily/Weekly Inbound Call Statistics

Or many other inbound features to achieve the full inbound call control you require.

It is always better to make your Disaster recovery on-net i.e on the actual phone number, rather than building any plan on your phone system only.

For more about disaster recovery solutions using inbound cloud call services, click here.

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If you would like to talk to one of our team to get any point clarifying please do not hesitate to contact us. Call us now on 0800 692 7000 or email new@08uk.co.uk so we can call you back.