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08UK Accessibility

08UK Accessibility

08UK Accessibility & Web Content

At 08UK Ltd our aim is to make our website as accessible as possible to the widest range of visitors and customers. Communicating as effectively as possible is paramount for us. This means considering the specific needs of those with visual or physical impairments, learning difficulties and other forms of disability. In addition it means having an understanding of different browser technologies. We support the principles of the 'Disability Discrimination Act' (1995) and are committed to recognising and responding to the needs of all disabled people. We have aimed to ensure that all pages on this website comply with at least Priority 1 W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
Although we continue to test and modify our website for accessibility, there may be some legacy pages and pages developed by third-parties that are not fully compliant with our standards. All pages on this website should validate as XHTML 1.0 Strict This website uses valid CSS

08UK Web Link Disclaimer

Certain links on this site lead to resources located on servers maintained by third parties over whom 08UK Ltd has no control. 08Uk Ltd therefore accepts no responsibility or liability for any of the material contained on those servers.