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New 0204 London Phone Numbers, 10 Million to be released by Ofcom

New 0204 London Phone Numbers, 10 Million to be released by Ofcom

New 0204 London Phone Numbers, 10 Million to be released by Ofcom

There are currently 30 million numbers using 0203, 0207 and 0208 with less than 500,000 available left for allocation now. 

So a new 0204 London phone number range will help to help accommodate the growing demand telecoms regulator Ofcom have announced. Ofcom are introducing the 0204 number range with 10 million more London numbers being made available from December this year. New applications from range holders will be accepted from 1st October 2019. 

0204 500 through to 0204 599 will be the first block for allocation from within the range of new London numbers available from Ofcom.

Applying for New London 0204 Number Range

Applications requesting new 0204 numbers will be accepted by Ofcom on a first come, first served basis from 12pm on 1st October 2019.

Ofcoms usual allocation criteria will apply and those with existing blocks of 020 London numbers will be required to demonstrate why they require any more. Ofcom will generally only allocate one block of 020 numbers at a time.

Existing London 020 Numbers

Unfortunately, there aren’t many quality 0207 or 0208 memorable landline numbers left for allocation so if you require a catchy or gold ‘good looking’ London 020 Number then why not get in touch today.

Our virtual numbers calls can be pointed to a landline or mobile termination or multiple different lines for best chance of being answered. 

For the very best Virtual London Numbers available today please visit https://www.08uk.co.uk/

The London area code is 3 digits not 4 

Confusion led to public perception thinking 0203, 0207, and 0208 are different London area codes relative to different London regions but the area code for London is (020) followed by 8 digits.  

Inner and Outer London split codes were removed in the year 2000. 0203, 0207, 0208 and 0204 numbers may all be used across the Greater London Area.

Click here to search our Standard Free Numbers or Click here to search our Gold Numbers now.



If you would like to talk to one of our team to get any point clarifying please do not hesitate to contact us.
Call us now on 0800 692 7000 or email new@08uk.co.uk so we can call you back.