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08 Future of Telecoms 2024, 2025 & Beyond

08 Future of Telecoms 2024, 2025 & Beyond

08 Future of Telecoms 2024, 2025 & Beyond

The future of business telecoms for 2024, 2025 and beyond is positive but consolidatory, with continued predicted growth for the UK telecom revenues forecasted

We note also however that so many UK telecom companies are really struggling financially and are in debt.

08UK is in a strong position and we have withheld our place in the market, we are in no debt and own the premises within which we trade, so we have not experienced rent increases.
Energy and staff have been the most significant areas where costs have escalated significantly pressured by high inflation.

We constantly now are being asked to quote as other telcos are increasing their charges significantly, one client now was informed their minimum charge was going from £30 to £150/month hence why they moved their numbers to 08UK. 

We aim to help our clients to ensure:- Customers can engage to purchase with support easily, plus better enabled employees can often resolve customer issues quicker, these two combined are massively important for online & offline retailers.

08UK offers a seamless experience for a connected workforce, delivering agents what they need through a single interface, to boost first contact resolution.Ultimately, this is about maximising every interaction, both for the customer and the retailer, every missed interaction is a missed sale perhaps.

Convergence continues ahead of End of ISDN & landlines 2025, the big SIP migration continues here in UK. Trustpilot API continues 08UK CSAT solution gets better every quarter & continues Version 4 now here in UK.

5G technology is now Live here in the UK but growing geographically now a few major cities have full 5G coverage. AI developments will continue to play a bigger part in customer interactions.AI combined with clever inbound solutions plus multi-level IVR will continue to better streamline agents for 1st and 2nd line voice support.

If you would like to talk to one of our team to get any point clarifying please do not hesitate to contact us.
Call us now on 0800 692 7000 or email new@08uk.co.uk so we can call you back.