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Referral Scheme

Referral Scheme

Referral Scheme

Earn £500 or more by completing our referral form now

Business Name Contact Name Tel E-Mail
e.g Bloggs Clothes* Peter Bloggs* 07814 542217* p@bloggsc.co.uk*

Note: The form requires all details to be completed, otherwise it will not send us the details.
Note: The scheme requires each client 08UK wins as a result of your kind referral to be worth £250 to the company.
Note: If we gain a customer as a result of your referral whom it is not worth that minimum figure to 08UK Ltd - then no referral commission will be paid, sorry.

Anti Spam Question: What Day is it?

Note: We ask that you contact each person you give us, prior to passing over their details, to inform them that we will be contacting them.

If we are already in contact with the business in question we will advise immediately, we will confirm which business names & numbers will be followed & therefore those that will apply for this new scheme.

We aim to give you back at least £50 per piece of valued business. Each contract we win through this scheme must have a projected value of in excess of £250 in order for our company to be able to reward you with the monies. There is no upper limit on the value you could earn by referring us to some of your friends or business colleagues, whom could be suppliers or customers to you, so you could earn a lot more than £500 in total.

Note: We ask that you declare to us how you would like to receive your referral commission, i.e this can be paid to your company or to you directly - whichever you declare.