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Cheap Business Telecoms Solutions

Cheap Business Telecoms Solutions

Cheap Business Telecoms Solutions

As a company we are committed to only offering the very highest call quality telecom solutions for all our voice customers. We are tier1 inbound & outbound voice call providers, we will not offer you the cheapest business telecoms as these lower prices reflect inferior solutions we would not consider these viable solutions.

We work only with Major Carriers; Virgin Media Business, Vodafone, Gamma Telecom, Global Crossing, Telstra and a few more for your peace of mind. With so many different technologies now available to any UK business; Convergence, I.P, Skype, ISDN30 or Multi-line.

These tier standards of call quality are identified by Ofcom starting with the highest call standard which is called tier 1. We only offer the highest standard of services here in the UK, that means zero compression, interference, no calls dropped, zero on-call delay. We simply aim to bring all our clients the cheapest tier 1 service i.e the highest call quality at the lowest rates.

Get any Tier 1 quote and we aim to match or beat it - for any Tier 1 08 number service.

Of the 2500 telecom companies here in the UK there are approximately 622 telephone companies who have been allocated telephone numbers by Ofcom (these are known as 'number range holders'). Many of these small new companies are under 10 years old & some do not have their own network or switch at all so they have to place their numbers (so they can offer a service) on another carrier's network.

The difference between using one of our numbers & using one from a small low cost network provider in terms of network capacity, reliability, infrastructure and service back up can be huge. The risks associated with this option are that these companies often have little or no network resilience, and few engineers or technical staff to assist should problems occur. Any failure in service could well be serious and could take some time to resolve.

Using number range holders whom use other carrier's networks can also lead you into huge problems when it comes to their responsibilities to support you should you want to move & indeed some customers can not physically move their numbers anywhere other than BT as no relationships exist to allow for the commercial transfer of any numbers within that number range.

Click here to search our Standard Free Numbers or Click here to search our Gold Numbers now.

If you would like to talk to one of our team to get any point clarifying please do not hesitate to contact us.
Call us now on 0800 692 7000 or email new@08uk.co.uk so we can call you back.