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03 Rate, Cost to Call 0300 Numbers Charge

03 Rate, Cost to Call 0300 Numbers Charge

03 Rate, Cost to Call 0300 Numbers Charge

0300 or 0303 - Ofcom have created as new; 0300 Telephone Numbers to be used only by UK Government Departments, Not-for-Profit Companies or a UK Charity.

Owner/Users of 03 numbers pay per minute so the cost to call is discounted for caller to that of local call so the same as any 01 or 02 call.

All UK Mobile Networks; EE, Vodafone, Orange etc charge all 03; 034, 037, 030 at the same rate as any normal landline 0161 or 0207, this what makes these 03 Non-Geo-Numbers so popular.

Callers are charged to dial any 0300 but inclusive minute packages as a minute-bundle means Mobile Phone callers think 03 calls are free.

Different to the average mobile whom caller knows simply NOT to dial any 08 from their mobile - simply because it is expensive - and not included in minute packages.

Selecting a 0300 number to promote calls could provide a better response (right now) than using an 0800 until 0800/0808 actually becomes a free call from a UK mobile.

Thinking about other call costs if you used different number options, click here now for 08 call costs.

084 - Rebate Number Range (we pay you for calls). Ofcom have assigned these 08's as Low Call Rate, and so they are not regulated by the Phone-Paid Services Authority. These numbers provide a rebate as they cost 5ppm to call. For use by any Organisation in the UK.

080 - Chargeable Number Range. Ofcom have assigned these 08's as Free Phone, and so they are free to call from UK landlines. For use by any Organisation in the UK.

Click here to search our Standard Free Numbers or Click here to search our Gold Numbers now.

If you would like to talk to one of our team to get any point clarifying please do not hesitate to contact us.
Call us now on 0800 692 7000 or email new@08uk.co.uk so we can call you back.