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Simultaneous Call Forwarding

Simultaneous Call Forwarding

Simultaneous Call Forwarding

This feature surrounds the common issue of line capacity, an issue that continues to trouble growing firms whom do not want to miss any calls but at the same time do not want to waste money on phone lines they arguably do not really need nor will use.

Simultaneous call forwarding is the ability to direct or route multiple calls coming in to one number to a number of lines/destinations, these may be across multiple sites.

Here the capacity of the number to handle the number of calls is not limited to the number of lines at the office locations so many more calls can be processed through the number and calls forwarded to any free line, when it becomes free.

Call forward to UK landline, mobile, sip or isdn, to a skype line or internationally, we can forward calls to where your agents are, anywhere in the world.

Forward calls to agents in an ordered queue and/or following IVR choices for given teams ie customer support or billing.

Call forwarding is an area where using a virtual number can be very beneficial to your inbound operations. Do not pay for lines to hold or queue calls, when we can activate an on-net queue and can deliver calls to your agents, including home workers.

We are then holding callers in an on-net que in the cloud therefore not using any of your valued lines, all lines would be used for two-way communication only, not whilst callers chose options or waited in that que for that team.

This feature can be used in conjunction with:

Day/Date Call Routing
Time of Day Call Routing
Welcome IVR Messages
Engaged Calls Routing
Unanswered Call Routing
Dead Tone Call Routing

Inbound Call Queuing

Black/White Call Routing

Postcode Area / Territory Routing

Area/Town/County Call Routing

Percentage Call Routing

Inbound Call Recording

Or many other inbound features to achieve the full inbound call control you require.

For more details and to speak to us directly call us free now on 0800 692 7000 or email new@08uk.co.uk so we can call you back.