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Port 0800 Porting 08 Numbers

Port 0800 Porting 08 Numbers

Port 0800 Porting 08 Numbers

Looking at moving/porting your 0800 numbers? You happy with your current 08 number provider?
Port your 0800 numbers to us for free and save every month with reduced rates & better service & support. To port is to transfer any 08, 03, 07 or any virtual 01 or 02 numbers from one service provider/carrier to another, like if you move from Vodafone to Orange you want to take your mobile number with you. The same process is called porting 0800 Freephone numbers.

Perhaps your current 08 telecom supplier charge more per minute than we do?
Or perhaps the rate seems OK but your service is not very good at all, takes forever to get anything done.

For example BT can charge up to 8p/minute - Here at 08UK we start every client on under half that figure; 3.5p/minute - Usually with no rental per number per month either.

The transfer moving of 080 numbers is a set industry agreed process known as Porting.
Here at 08UK because we support virtual phone numbers, we are constantly dealing with ports & the transfer of 08, 03, 09 & 01 / 02 numbers moving numbers to our accounts from other telecom companies.

Yes we can port or move any number originating from these carriers;
(BT) British Telecom 0800 NTL 0800 or (Opal Telecom) TalkTalk 0800 or Vodafone 0800 or (Kingston) 0800 K-Com or Energis 0800 or Telstra 0800 or Gamma 0800 or Thus 0800 or Telewest 0800 or Virgin 0800, Syntec 0800 and all the re-seller partners of these companies.

We usually improve your service & reduce your rates too. You may take advantage of our free features to build the best 0800 call handling inbound solution complete with a thorough disaster recovery business continuity plan. We are 08UK we are basically porting moving 0800's regularly/daily.

We can tell you in an instant if we can move your 0800 or 0808 number. If we can't move it - there is a good chance you can't move anywhere - unfortunately.

We have seven major carrier network relationships so our porting possibilities are wide ranging, so if you can move - then chances are you can move to us 08UK.

Click here to search our Standard Free Numbers or Click here to search our Gold Numbers now.

Please do not hesitate to contact us on 0800 692 7000 or email new@08uk.co.uk& we will be happy to call you back.