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Customer Ratings by Customer Review

Customer Ratings by Customer Review

Customer Ratings by Customer Review

How Our Customers Rate Us

This section of our website has been created to display our customers' opinions of 08UK - as undertaken by our Communications Officer - Sean James.

We ask every customer contact we have to score 08UK on each & every part of our service.

The score as a percentage rates us on each of the following five sections:

1. Billing/Revenue Payment
(Includes Paper & Online Billing & Direct Debit scheme)
Last Six Month Score = 92%
All Time Score = 89%

2. Overall Service
(Includes any Technical Issue & Any Network Fault)
Last Six Month Score = 93%
Overall Score = 94%

3. Your 08UK Account Manager
(How good clients think their account manager is)
Last Six Month Score = 95%
Overall Score = 86%

4. The 08UK Operation Support Team.
(Clients opinion of the support provided)
Last Six Month Score = 93%
Overall Score = 94%

5. The Online Portal
(Includes login-In &/Or Call Plans)
Last Six Month Score = 88%
Overall Score = 88%

Our overall score is constantly high after each and every survey. Click here for more reasons to move your numbers to 08UK. The last 6 months score has shown only a slight change in performance within the following departments:

  • The Overall Service score remains consistently high. score remains consistently high.
  • The Account Managers The Account Managers of 08UK score has stayed significantly high.
  • The Operations Team The Operations Team score remains consistently very good.
  • Show us another UK Telecom Company that does this & shows the results online every six months.
    With industry leading SLA's we enjoy exceeding customers expectations.

    More information about what our individual clients said about us can be found on the client testimonials page..

    Click here to search our Standard Free Numbers or Click here to search our Gold Numbers now.

    If you would like to talk to one of our team to get any point clarifying please do not hesitate to contact us.
    Call us now on 0800 692 7000 or email new@08uk.co.uk so we can call you back.