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Multi-Channel Social Media Monitoring Respond Real-Time

Multi-Channel Social Media Monitoring Respond Real-Time

Multi-Channel Social Media Monitoring Respond Real-Time

Monitoring your customers & other new potential clients through multi-channel social media forums is essential for growing modern and established brands where they need to respond to negative comments and keep the brand on a happy vibe.

The voice of an unhappy customer on a social media platform like Facebook could be seen by thousands, a comment can go viral within hours and the whole world can see dragging the company’s positive ‘vibe’ down of course. Confidence in your products and service is a perceived reality rather than a real one, each customer gets a different experience and as an individual has an opinion on how they were dealt with, those with higher expectations may be the ideal target market, where the product could be more expensive.

Social media monitoring is the activity of tracking social media channels.This tool or on-net feature is not an inbound call handling feature but is allowing you to deal with comments that you can then respond to have to allows an organisation to measure & find out what is being discussed about them. Track competitors or other words of interest. The goal is to assess the public reputation and to be alerted to significant changes on social media channels. For more on Survey Negative Comments on Twitter, Facebook or Linked-in

Businesses today may have a team (the web team) where often their sole responsibility is the companies social presence. Monitoring the social world, Facebook and Twitter in particular have become the perfect forum to voice your real opinion of a company and your experience with them, be it good or bad or ugly. The true ‘voice of a customer’ can be heard on social media platforms where a customer will say what they really think of their experience. Move from separate web & call agent teams, a phone team, a chat team, multi-channel means teams can merge using this technology.

They may not be prepared to speak so truthfully whilst the agent is still on the phone with them. Whilst incorporating post–call CSAT survey’s is a superb option for some companies monitoring hearing or viewing the real unprompted written words of the general public can be very powerful and insightful. Anybody posting content that is discussing your; company, trading name, products, industry, brands, competitors, or slangs can be monitored. It is of course allows the VOC ‘voice of your customer’ to be monitored in real time.

Click here today for a free month trial activating the Social Media Keyword Monitoring feature.

08UK provide quality driven robust solutions that enable our customers to move into next generation networking solutions delivered using only British Telecom, Citrus & Vodafone. It is important to only use a "major tier1 grade service".

08UK can offer your business a totally bespoke inbound clever feature rich set of agent tools that will only compliment your customer service or sales agents efficiency.

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