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Bespoke Business - Voice

Bespoke Business - Voice

Bespoke Business - Voice

In three words describe what does your organisation does, i.e. what business solutions does 08UK offer?

In 3 words, we supply ‘Bespoke Business Voice’ digital and customer focused communication solutions. Exactly as described, we create bespoke voice/digital customer interaction solutions which of course includes inbound & outbound traditional voice.

Today, 'inbound' communication extends beyond voice calls to encompass text, web chat, WhatsApp, and social media interactions.

Inbound voice means of course call handling, using multi-level IVR perhaps and routing voice calls to agents, sales teams, SIP lines, remote handsets, home workers, external contractors ie to anywhere where a person or automation can deal with the caller’s needs.

‘Bespoke Business Voice or BBV’ means what is says and more, each solution we offer is tailor-made from a selection of advanced digital customer handling features and functionalities which of course can includes voice.

Our solutions are designed to adapt to evolving business needs. Your business could engage with us with one of our solutions i.e. CSAT and add another, or voice, later. Long gone are the days where a traditional internal call centre sales team was enough to engage with all potential customers and, whilst a sales line on a memorable freephone number definitely still has its place. the need for customer support using efficient automation, AI, fast content paths may now be the most cost-effective method to implement.

We understand that one size does not fit all. That's why 08UK’s BBV solutions are standalone and tailor-made. We demonstrate and explain our offerings, collaborating with clients to develop Bespoke Business Voice digital solutions that precisely align with their requirements. Our flexible approach allows for seamless integration of additional elements as needed.

Don’t let the limitations of your current suppliers hold back your potential for efficiencies with customer engagement. 

After 20 years, our experience and honesty delivering to some of the largest brands in UK and globally is undeniable, our clients speak for themselves. With our supply partners we continue to develop cutting-edge solutions all accessible through a unified platform.

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If you would like to talk to one of our team to get any point clarifying please do not hesitate to contact us.
Call us now on 0800 692 7000 or email new@08uk.co.uk so we can call you back.