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New 0300 Numbers

New 0300 Numbers

New 0300 Numbers

So what specifically are these 0300 Numbers anyway? 
Any 03 is a virtual national phone number (just like 0800). 0300 numbers plus 0303 are the specific 03 range assigned by Ofcom to the public sector: UK Government & Charities.

I've seen some using 0345 numbers & 0370's too, what is the difference? Is there any difference in rates? 
All 03's numbers are charged at the same low / local rate. 0345 is the easy swop from 0845, so owners could save on re-print costs. Cut the 8 in half to make it into a 3.

0300 is public sector local rate plus all 03's are mobile friendly but not free to call 
0300/03 is also the only national code that is included in bundle minute packages on mobiles, people think 03 calls are totally free to dial from a UK mobile, they are not, it is just that as many have unlimited local 01, 02 or 03 calls on their monthly plan, so they believe 03 calls are free.

Seamlessly transfer your existing 0300 numbers - from British Telecom, BT, Vodafone (was C&W/Energis/Thus), Talk Talk Business, Opal Telecom, Kingston Coms, Virgin Media, Telstra, Colt. - to us 08UK Ltd.

0300 Number Features

0300 with Area Call Routing

Where a company has multiple locations/branches here in the UK it is possible for callers to one national 0300 number to be directed to the local customer support branch i.e calls from the London area are routed to London and those from say 0161 Manchester go to Manchester.

Each line that calls your 03; 0300 presents a presentation number to the inbound call plan. By doing so the line indicates where in the country the caller is as for instance all 0121 calls are from Birmingham and all 0207 or 0208 are from London.

0300 Number Complex Call Routing

Click for more on complex routing on a new 0300 number. Clever call handling allow for scenarios, where callers would otherwise not be dealt with quickly, are great to ensure calls are answered and quickly.

The ability to have absolute precise call control over your 0300 calls at all times allows for the efficient delivery of inbound to be streamlined into measurable quality standards where levels of achievement can be closely monitored.

0300 Number Resilience & Continuity

Call delivery quality & network resilience when using non major networks produces an overall inferior 'cheap 0300' supply solution, but this cheap mentality could back fire as callers then suffer from echo, distortion, delay or crackling on the line.

Surely it is better to try to where-ever possible impress each 0300 caller (in the way you handle their call) rather than the reverse which potentially could just annoy them. We aim to strengthen your brand and unify your callers 0300 experiences.

Click here to search our Standard Free Numbers or Click here to search our Gold Numbers now.

If you would like to talk to one of our team to get any point clarifying please do not hesitate to contact us. Call us now on 0800 692 7000 or email new@08uk.co.uk so we can call you back.