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How to get a 0845 number

How to get a 0845 number

How to get a 0845 number

We can get you live today – for free – getting a 0871 number set up for your business is easy with our help.

Not sure how to get a 0845 number? then simply contact us and we can call you or email you any information you may need.

Want some low rate 0845 numbers for your business?

We totally understand why you would want your callers to only pay a local rate, unfortunately it is not that simple. In fact, the subject of so called local rate 0845 numbers is not straight forward at all.

If you have an existing 0845, how much is your 0845 to call?

What is the service charge per minute to dial your 0845?

We can tell you instantly.

Looking for a new or improved number solution then please do not hesitate to contact us.
Call us now on 0800 692 7000 or email new@08uk.co.uk so we can call you back.