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08UK Green Policy, Recycling and Carbon Footprint

08UK Green Policy, Recycling and Carbon Footprint

08UK Green Policy, Recycling and Carbon Footprint

We consider ourselves to be an ethical, green company, where-ever we possibly can be. Our Operations Director, Sally, is very keen to ensure that we are as green as possible and so we have a number of formal Green Policies.

Paperless Office Policy
We have a 'paperless office policy' which states we do not use any paper unless we absolutely have to. All our a4 paper/letters/junk mail is shredded & recycled.

Waste Recycling Policy
All of our staff's general waste is also recycled by our own in-house cleaning staff. We have allocated bins in each room, so we have Paper / Glass & Aluminium Cans / General Waste.

Green Diesel Vehicle Policy
We only lease/use economical diesel vehicles for our sales & operations staff as these return high miles/gallon & so are more green. Our standard vehicle leased is the blue motion VW Golf or Audi A3.

Used Batteries Policy
As a company we are not a large volume user of batteries, but never the less we have created a recycle box for all old AA or similar batteries. This will help to ensure no batteries used by 08UK will ever go into land fill sites.

Energy Efficiency Policy
Our office is lit using only low power new fluorescent lights bulbs, where-ever-possible. We use a gas powered central heating system with heat supplied by a new energy efficient combination boiler.

Cleaning Products Policy
We only use/buy Ecover cleaning products to respect to environment & to help stop damaging chemicals being put into our waste water. We will not purchase bleach or any other damaging cleaning agents including oven cleaner foam, which can give off harmful toxins.

Printer Ink Cartridges Policy
We predominantly use Kodak printers as they claim to be the greenest printers that use the least amount of ink & we do recycle all of our ink cartridges from all of our printers & use refilled cartridges instead of buying new ones.

We are also working towards a carbon zero accreditation, where the carbon footprint we have per annum can be offset by investing into positive carbon projects.

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If you would like to talk to one of our team to get any point clarifying please do not hesitate to contact us.
Call us now on 0800 692 7000 or email new@08uk.co.uk so we can call you back.