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08-03 Number Manager

08-03 Number Manager

08-03 Number Manager

Yes, we want to identify you if you are the person whom deals with your organisations numbers.

Are you responsible, the decision maker, for your phone numbers within the business.

Why? So that we can make you aware of how we may be able to:-

  • Supply New Fantastic Numbers, Gold, Alpha-Numeric, Platinum.
  • Improve Commercials On Your Existing Numbers, Saving Money or Paying More Revenue.
  • Improve Callers Experiences On Your Existing Numbers by Improving Call Handling Plans.
  • Appoint an Experienced Account Manager to Add Value,( Not Just Take Orders).
  • Offer Much Improved Customer Support Service Levels, Operations Team Resource.
  • Want get something done, no waiting in Queues, speak to our team instantly.

  • We will send you a Free Gift simply for getting in touch.

    We do not want to pester anyone, we appreciate projects often dictate timescales, so if you can simply please Identify yourself to us plus state when we should contact you, so we can schedule to get in touch at the right time.

    Rest assured we only choose quality major tier1 carriers; BT/Virgin/Citrus here at 08UK. Call us now on 0800 692 7000 or email new@08uk.co.uk so we can call you back.