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0345 Numbers & 0370

0345 Numbers & 0370

0345 Numbers & 0370

03 numbers cost the same to call as a regular landline number plus they are included in inclusive minute packages, even from mobiles. Currently, mobile callers have to pay when calling a traditional freephone number. So it's no surprise 03 special number ranges became so popular last year.

Phase out your 0870 with our three step process, moving to the 0370 number equivalent, to ensure callers from mobiles pay low rates too. Do this and you will receive even more calls.

The exact 0370 numbers are available to owners of 0870 numbers from the same originating carrier as the 08 came from (only this carrier can give you this number). Once you have your 03 equivalent then you can move this 0345 or 0370 to us through our seamless porting service.

So why change to the 0370 number from my 0870?
During 2011 more voice calls were carried by mobile carriers than by the fixed landline carriers. As calling any 03 from a mobile is charged at the same price as calling any 01/02 number they are included in mobile bundles, so in short you should receive more calls if you use an 0370.

Calling virtual 0370 numbers from mobiles is actually better for the caller than calling any number including currently an 0800 number that is not free from a mobile. At present calls from moblies to free phone 0800 numbers are chargeable at up to 20p/minute.

Click here to search our Standard Free Numbers or Click here to search our Gold Numbers now.

If you would like to talk to one of our team to get any point clarifying please do not hesitate to contact us. Call us now on 0800 692 7000 or email new@08uk.co.uk so we can call you back.