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Moving to different phone number, three steps to phasing in new

Moving to different phone number, three steps to phasing in new

Moving to different phone number, three steps to phasing in new

Do not leave your customers out in the cold, ensure they know your number, if you change it.

When changing contact telephone numbers, if you have to change, make moving to different phone number, three steps to phasing in new numbers, as seamless and painless as possible for your customers.

We can help you (often for free) to ensure this is done right using a simple three steps process where once we have taken over your existing number/s we can then upload a message that advises callers that:

  • "This number is changing to" - Usually the call still routes through to the destination number as usual. After a few weeks/months we can then update the message.
  • "This number has now changed to, in future please re-dial using" - The call still goes through to the destination. After a few weeks/months we can then update the message.
  • "This number has now changed, please re-dial now using" - The call does not still goes through to the destination. When phasing to a new business phone number it is important that the three steps should not be rushed.
  • You must keep your customers informed to ensure no calls are dropped, it may take a year before all callers swop to your new numbers, 08UK are here to help.

    Click here to search our Standard Free Numbers or Click here to search our Gold Numbers now.

    If you would like to talk to one of our team to get any point clarifying please do not hesitate to contact us.
    Call us now on 0800 692 7000 or email new@08uk.co.uk so we can call you back.