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Show 08 Number On Outbound Calls

Show 08 Number On Outbound Calls

Show 08 Number On Outbound Calls

How do we get our phone lines to show an 08 number, when we dial out?

We do not want our phone line to show our landline number when we are calling out, we want to present our 08, how do we arrange that?

We have got a new 0800 number, how do we get it presenting as our outbound calling from number?

The above are all the same question, the answer is simple, you just need to ask your line provider to apply type 1, 2 or 3 presentation to your phone lines.

There is usually a one off charge of around £50 to complete this for your circuit, multiple sites and ISDN circuits therefore will cost more.

This allows a business to streamline their call flows and focuses the calls ensuring all calls pass through the virtual cloud number, meaning full control of those calls is possible, auto-Disaster Recovery features are applicable too so ultimately you should get no more missed calls.

Whether it be ISDN30 or ISDN2 presentation can be applied so the actual number linked to the line – is not presented – instead the number of your choice is. You can also get presentation service applied on to I.P lines , SIP channels. AS a BT wholesale partner, 08UK can take over all your existing BT lines/products to offer you one bill – for all your business telephony needs.

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If you would like to talk to one of our team to get any point clarifying please do not hesitate to contact us.
Call us now on 0800 692 7000 or email new@08uk.co.uk so we can call you back.